The Navigate Layout window lets you view the framework of your site. It is organized with two panes: Spiral and Centered views.

You can view (pages, frame sets, free-form pages, dynamic pages, images, multimedia, java, custom resources, external resources), and links to and from these resources. The resources are placed on this layout in spiral form to make resources and links more visible. The colors of the Internal and External links, and Selected or Orphan pages are defined in the WebSite Tab of the Preferences dialog box.

The resources displayed in the Navigate Layout are:

To display any of these items, click the appropriate button (Include Pages, Include Resources or Include External Locations) on the toolbar or choose the appropriate item in the Navigate Layout > Include menu. If the appropriate item in the Navigate Layout > Include menu is checked, the item is display in the Navigate Layout. Otherwise, resources of this type are not displayed.

When you select a resource, the color of the selection determines whether or not it is Orphan (no incoming links). These colors are set from the File > Preferences menu item.

You can open resource(s) for editing by double-clicking or from the menu. Also you can access resource properties from the menu or clicking the Resource Properties button on the toolbar.

By default, the logical names of the items are displayed. You can set to display the physical names, that is the full names (with extensions and paths) of the resources in the Physical Layout. To switch between these two modes of names, select Navigate Layout > Show File Names in the menu.

The Spiral view displays all the resources of the selected (included) types in the spiral view.

To display all the links, independent on how many resources are selected, click the Show All Links button on the Navigate Layout Toolbar or select Navigate Layout > Show Links > All in the menu.

You can elect to display only the links related to the selected resource(s). Click the Outgoing Links button on the Navigate Layout Toolbar or select Navigate Layout > Show Links > Outgoing For Selected in the menu. Click the Incoming Links button on the Navigate Layout Toolbar or select Navigate Layout > Show Links > Incoming For Selected in the menu. You can have both button pressed to display all the links related to the selected resource(s). Multiple resources can be selected at the same time.

The Centered view displays one resource in the center with resources linking to it and linked from it at the opposite sides.
To display a resource in the center, click the Move To Center button on the Navigate Layout Toolbar or select Navigate Layout > Move To Center in the menu.

You can view the centered pane in two orientations: Vertical and Horizontal. To switch, click the appropriate button on the Navigate Layout Toolbar or select Navigate Layout > Orientation: .

You can have automatically collapsing dependencies. When you expand one of the resources, the other is collapsed. To switch this option, select Navigate Layout > Auto-Collapse in the menu.

You can have resource automatically moving to center when expanded. To switch this option, select Navigate Layout > Auto Move To Center in the menu.

Zoom. Zoom features include:

Zoom In

Zoom Out
